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Congratulations! AIKE Has Joined The eHA Big Family

Views: 871     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-05-31      Origin: Site

The initiative to found eHA as an international association of companies to represent the electric hand dryer industry has been startet in March 2017 with an initial meeting of companies in Frankfurt at the ISH exhibition. Its purpose is “together we make electric hand drying the leading system”. There are three factors that contribute to the establishment of eHA: (1) Compared to paper towels, electric hand dryers have the obvious advantages of hygiene, environmental protection, efficiency, and economy. (2) As a blue ocean industry, electric hand dryers have a great potential in market demand. (3) It is necessary to found an association against the paper towels industry due to the increasing carbon dioxide emissions and paper consumption.


Furthermore, the establishment of eHA has three core goals: (1) Promoting hand dryer system: Introducing and promoting the facts and benefits of electric hand dryers. Moreover, the eHA will get together to rejecting other people's defamatory attempts about electric hand dryers. For example, the paper towels industry will announce that the use of hand dryers will generate many bacteria. (2) lobbying regarding bad new EU regulation, lobby activities to prevent harmful EU regulation for electric hand dryers. (3) Webinars and exchanges with members of other associations to formulate hand dryer standards (for example on technical parameters, environmental and quality standards).


So far 7 companies has joined eHA as founding members: elfnullelf (Germany), AIKE (China), Starmix (Germany), ffuuss (Spain), JVD (France), Dan Dryer (Denmark), Youngsan (Austria). Others also expressed their will to join as soon as possible.

Hand dryer members

As a member of eHA AIKE focuses on R&D and promoting high-speed electric hand dryers. As the most reliable dryer equipment today, high-speed electric hand dryers have obvious advantages in comparison with paper towels in efficiency, saving cost, hygiene, and environment protection. The more we use electric hand dryer each time, the better the environment will be. We aim to reject to the waste of paper towels and enjoy dry hand technology.



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